Bereits zum 18. Mal traf sich die Würzburger LabVIEW User Group, diesmal in Nürnberg, unter dem Motto “Wenn Siemens wüsste was Siemens weiß”. Passend zum Thema versuchten wir, möglichst viele LabVIEW-Freund:innen aus den verschiedenen Siemens-Organisationen (Siemens Energy, Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Mobility, Siemens AG) zu diesem Austausch zusammenzubringen, aber natürlich waren auch alle anderen WUELUGer:innen ganz herzlich willkommen.
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Continuous Integration: What it is, what it’s not, and what it could be
Continuous Integration (or CI) lacks adoption in the NI ecosystem, as do many other advanced software processes and tools that are standard in other programming languages. Either due to actual technical reasons or because of the team size and proficiency, and because of the way a typical LabVIEW project is run. Why is that? And does it have to be that way?
Read more »NI Connect Munich 2022
After a three-year hiatus, NI is back in Europe with NI Connect Munich, the most important in-person event hosted by NI. A trade fair and conference in one, the event allowed us to reunite with our #LabVIEWfriends, meet customers and potential future clients, and receive our long-awaited Center of Excellence certificate!
Read more »WUELUG13 – NI Certifications
Our triskaidekaphobic readers need not worry, WUELUG13 was anything but unlucky. We had the opportunity to learn all about NI’s certifications paths, and listen to insiders sharing tips and tricks on how to best prepare when getting certified.
Why to sit for a LabVIEW Certification? (Ode to CLA Summits)
For LabVIEW developers, there are a number of interesting certification programs out there. For obvious reasons, NI’s program is quite interesting as it’s the most prominent in the NI ecosystem, and some of the certifications (CLAD, CLD, CLA and CLED) are tailored to LabVIEW itself.
Read more »HSE Way of Working
Individuals prefer an individual WoW (way of working). Maybe especially software developers like to implement their personal perfect solution for a given problem. Some like it straight, others like it elegant and the third praise the KISS principle as the ultimate game-changer. But in the end, what we really need to find is a good way to work together.
Read more »WUELUG08 – iNDTact
Can you believe it has already been 2 full years since the first WUELUG? Visiting other companies is starting to become WUELUG’s trademark. This time at WUELUG08, the first meeting of 2020, we visited the premises of iNDTact, right here in Würzburg!
Read more »Separate Compiled Code From Source
Usually, LabVIEW stores the compiled code used to run a VI together with the graphical code of the VI in the same file. LabVIEW automatically recompiles all changed VIs together with all callers, modifying a lot more files than were actually touched. Your SCC won’t like that! Luckily, there’s an option to separate the compiled code from the graphical source code.
Read more »The Quick Drop Podcast
We are always delighted at every new community outreach attempt amongst the LabVIEW users. A new project recently emerged, from Jonathan Hobson, who created the Quick Drop Podcast dedicated to LabVIEW and people involved with its development.
Read more »VI Scripting: Add Glyph to VI Icon
Using LabVIEW’s VI Scripting features, it is surprisingly easy to create tools that increase development efficiency and enforce coding guidelines. For example, having groups of associated VIs stand out on your block diagrams makes maintenance a lot easier. VI Scripting allows you to add glyphs to VI icons programmatically with very little overhead.
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