WUELUG#19: Step By Step

WUELUG#19: Step By Step

The 19th gathering of WUELUG hosted at Bürkert Fluid Control Systems revolved the world of sequencers. For many LabVIEW users, encountering a sequencer is inevitable—it’s a tool for showcasing processes within a system or testing various product types with different programs.

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WUELUG#18: Break down those silos!

WUELUG#18: Break down those silos!

Bereits zum 18. Mal traf sich die Würzburger LabVIEW User Group, diesmal in Nürnberg, unter dem Motto “Wenn Siemens wüsste was Siemens weiß”. Passend zum Thema versuchten wir, möglichst viele LabVIEW-Freund:innen aus den verschiedenen Siemens-Organisationen (Siemens Energy, Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Mobility, Siemens AG) zu diesem Austausch zusammenzubringen, aber natürlich waren auch alle anderen WUELUGer:innen ganz herzlich willkommen.

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WUELUG#13: NI Certifications

WUELUG#13: NI Certifications

Our triskaidekaphobic readers need not worry, WUELUG13 was anything but unlucky. We had the opportunity to learn all about NI’s certifications paths, and listen to insiders sharing tips and tricks on how to best prepare when getting certified.

WUELUG#12: Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE

WUELUG#12: Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE

In the latest edition of WUELUG, which was dedicated to “Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE”, we spent four hours learning about the ins and outs of our favourite tool. From shortcuts to quick drops to menus to bookmarks, we heard it all, some of it directly from the horses’ mouths. Was it worth it, you ask? You betcha!