All of HSE’s open-source core reuse libraries are now maintained via VIPM and installed into vi.lib. This strategic shift away from keeping dependencies local within each project enhances our ability to share DQMH template modules more easily. This move lays the groundwork for more exciting developments we have in the pipeline.
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DQMH Lumos
Da wir wissen, dass du entweder mit der Arbeit beschäftigt bist oder deinen Urlaub genießt, fangen wir mit einer Kurzfassung an. Kurz gesagt: Wir crowdfunden DQMH Lumos, ein Tool, mit dem du die Kommunikation deiner DQMH-Module (Anfragen und Sendungen) live und in Echtzeit überwachen kannst. Auf der Kickstarter-Seite findest du die Details! Read more »
NI Connect Munich 2022
After a three-year hiatus, NI is back in Europe with NI Connect Munich, the most important in-person event hosted by NI. A trade fair and conference in one, the event allowed us to reunite with our #LabVIEWfriends, meet customers and potential future clients, and receive our long-awaited Center of Excellence certificate!
Read more »The “HSE-ify DQMH Module” Tool
Over the last few years, we not only used DQMH very heavily, but we also started building additional features around the DQMH core. Since DQMH is widely customisable and extendable, it was straightforward to build an HSE-specific scripting extension for our own best practices. Thus, HSE-ify was born.
Read more »DQMH 6.0 & DQMH Consortium
Wie schon in der letzten Folge des DQMH-Podcasts angekündigt ist DQMH 6.0 nun endlich öffentlich verfügbar, mit vielen neuen spannenden Features. Das neu formierte DQMH Consortium tritt mit diesem Release offiziell die Nachfolge von Delacor an.
Read more »Community Collaboration
One of the best things of LabVIEW (if not the best thing) is its awesome community. The readiness to help each other is second to none. In order to do our part, we started making some of our repositories public. And lo and behold, we now have the first collaborator! innofas GmbH, a company specializing in electro-technical vehicle components, utilises our our Generic Networking DQMH modules and agreed to give back to the community by contributing to our public repository.
Read more »Hampel Software Engineering welcomed as DQMH Trusted Advisor
DQMH Trusted Advisors have been audited by Delacor to verify they [..] have a deep understanding of the DQMH Architecture. DQMH Trusted Advisors can help you start a new project or perform maintenance or upgrades to existing projects created using the DQMH framework.
DQMH “Actors”: Self-Messaging or Helper Loops?
Sometimes (actually more often than not), we want our modules to be more than passive libraries. We want them to do more than merely sit there, waiting for work to be thrown at them. Modules shall actively poll for information, acquire data from hardware, manage network connections, and more. We want DQMH “Actors”!
Generic Networking Template for DQMH
We have been doing a lot of work recently based on the Delacor Queued Message Handler (DQMH). For one of the modules we came up with, the Generic Networking Template for DQMH, I was offered the opportunity to write an article on Delacor’s blog.