Another year, another incredible GDevCon! This time, GDevCon#4 was in Glasgow, right in the middle of the Silicon Glen. The perfect location for meeting old and new #labviewfriends, both far and near.
Read more »Author: Bence Barthó
Matthias Müller joins #teamhampelsoft!
We are thrilled to welcome our newest team member to HSE – Matthias! Hailing from Germany, Matthias joins our dynamic developer team as yet another remote member, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge and a passion for software engineering.
Read more »DQMH Lumos
Da wir wissen, dass du entweder mit der Arbeit beschäftigt bist oder deinen Urlaub genießt, fangen wir mit einer Kurzfassung an. Kurz gesagt: Wir crowdfunden DQMH Lumos, ein Tool, mit dem du die Kommunikation deiner DQMH-Module (Anfragen und Sendungen) live und in Echtzeit überwachen kannst. Auf der Kickstarter-Seite findest du die Details! Read more »
WUELUG#18: Break down those silos!
Bereits zum 18. Mal traf sich die Würzburger LabVIEW User Group, diesmal in Nürnberg, unter dem Motto “Wenn Siemens wüsste was Siemens weiß”. Passend zum Thema versuchten wir, möglichst viele LabVIEW-Freund:innen aus den verschiedenen Siemens-Organisationen (Siemens Energy, Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Mobility, Siemens AG) zu diesem Austausch zusammenzubringen, aber natürlich waren auch alle anderen WUELUGer:innen ganz herzlich willkommen.
Read more »HSE Summit 2023
After the great success of the last HSE Summit, we finally had a chance to host one again! Now free from any travel restrictions, our entire international team could participate. We had it all: visiting customers, laser tag, fine dining, and strategy meetings!
Read more »WUELUG#17: Christmas ’22
WUELUG#17 was once again hosted by a regional LabVIEWfriends company. Despite our concerns, the last WUELUG of 2022 was able to take place in person. This time we had the pleasure of visiting WEBER GmbH. Read more »
Continuous Integration: What it is, what it’s not, and what it could be
Continuous Integration (or CI) lacks adoption in the NI ecosystem, as do many other advanced software processes and tools that are standard in other programming languages. Either due to actual technical reasons or because of the team size and proficiency, and because of the way a typical LabVIEW project is run. Why is that? And does it have to be that way?
Read more »GDevCon #3 – HSE in Amsterdam
After two long years of pandemics and delays, GDevCon #3 finally took place! With a brilliant new location at the EYE Filmmuseum in Amsterdam and wonderful presentations, it was impossible not to have fun!
Read more »Self-Hosted GitLab Server
When HSE started out, the cloud-hosted instance of GitLab served all of our needs perfectly. Today, we’ve outgrown that shared infrastructure and are moving to a self-managed GitLab installation hosted in a German data center. This ensures the highest standards of data privacy and security and gives us more flexibility for our future expansion.
Read more »WUELUG#16: Getting the Gang Back Together
It’s been far too long since our last in-person WUELUG. Over two years! But we finally had the chance to see our #labviewfriends face-to-face again at Ehrler Prüftechnik in Niederstetten at WUELUG#16.
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