WUELUG#14: Of Dependencies and Packages

WUELUG#14: Of Dependencies and Packages

Our latest Würzburg LabVIEW User Group meeting – WUELUG#14 – revolved around the topic of managing dependencies and packages in LabVIEW projects. Record numbers show that we’re on the right track picking our topics. Presenters – both well-known and new to WUELUG – who know what they’re talking about, and an audience that keeps the […]

HSE Summit 2021

HSE Summit 2021

#teamhampelsoft has outgrown a single collocated office, so we’re not able to meet everybody in person on a regular basis. Even for those of us living in the same region, the pandemic has rendered physical meetings inappropriate. This is why we were delighted to be able to host our first ever HSE Summit last month – an in-person event focused on fostering our processes, our culture and our team spirit!