WUELUG20: Christmas of Learning

We held our WUELUG20 meeting at SKZ just before the holiday season. It was with a fun Christmas spirit we were learning and connecting with our LabVIEW friends. Topics covered included databases, with a focus on exploring HSE’s standard libraries

listening intently

Reflecting On a Festive Gathering

It was a delight to see so many LabVIEW enthusiasts gather for WUELUG20 just before the holiday season. Even without a formal agenda, we managed to fill the time until 9:00 PM quite nicely.

The SKZ graciously provided us with an excellent venue, and Christian’s guided tour was truly fascinating! After the quick tour of the new facilities, our focus shifted to the realm of databases. Together, we explored HSE’s standard libraries and examples, diving into the intricacies of the subject.

Then, Oli introduced us to the Advent of Code and took us on a tour of Bürkert’s Project Template. Additionally, we had a surprise announcement in store, which we’ve been eagerly waiting to share: The DQMH Consortium has officially released Version 7.0 of the DQMH Framework!

What A Success!

Our heartfelt thanks to our hosts for their hospitality. This time around, SKZ and HSE kindly shared the catering costs – a big thank you to SKZ!

As we look back on WUELUG 20, it’s clear that the event was not just a gathering of professionals but also a celebration of shared knowledge, camaraderie, and the spirit of learning. Here’s to many more fruitful gatherings in the future!

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