WUELUG18: Break down those silos!

WUELUG18: Break down those silos!

Bereits zum 18. Mal traf sich die Würzburger LabVIEW User Group, diesmal in Nürnberg, unter dem Motto “Wenn Siemens wüsste was Siemens weiß”. Passend zum Thema versuchten wir, möglichst viele LabVIEW-Freund:innen aus den verschiedenen Siemens-Organisationen (Siemens Energy, Siemens Healthineers, Siemens Mobility, Siemens AG) zu diesem Austausch zusammenzubringen, aber natürlich waren auch alle anderen WUELUGer:innen ganz herzlich willkommen.

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NI Connect Munich 2022

NI Connect Munich 2022

After a three-year hiatus, NI is back in Europe with NI Connect Munich, the most important in-person event hosted by NI. A trade fair and conference in one, the event allowed us to reunite with our #LabVIEWfriends, meet customers and potential future clients, and receive our long-awaited Center of Excellence certificate!

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HSE Summit 2021

HSE Summit 2021

#teamhampelsoft has outgrown a single collocated office, so we’re not able to meet everybody in person on a regular basis. Even for those of us living in the same region, the pandemic has rendered physical meetings inappropriate. This is why we were delighted to be able to host our first ever HSE Summit last month – an in-person event focused on fostering our processes, our culture and our team spirit!

WUELUG12: Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE

WUELUG12: Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE

In the latest edition of WUELUG, which was dedicated to “Working Efficiently in the LabVIEW IDE”, we spent four hours learning about the ins and outs of our favourite tool. From shortcuts to quick drops to menus to bookmarks, we heard it all, some of it directly from the horses’ mouths. Was it worth it, you ask? You betcha!

NIWeek 2019

NIWeek 2019

Each year at the end of May, Austin in Texas is the place to be for LabVIEW aficionados: It’s NIWeek, National Instruments’ most important event of the year! We are determined to make presenting at NIWeek a personal tradition. This year, we also had the opportunity to participate in a special competition. And on top of it all, our WUELUG received an award!

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KreativRaum-BBQ 2018

KreativRaum-BBQ 2018

We did it again (I just forgot to publish the post)! Once a year – by far not often enough – we manage to come together with our shared-office colleagues, cook up something delicious and just spend a little time together. Thank you so much to all of them!

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