Community Collaboration

One of the best things of LabVIEW (if not the best thing) is its awesome community. The readiness to help each other is second to none. In order to do our part, we started making some of our repositories public. And lo and behold, we now have the first collaborator! innofas GmbH, a company specializing in electro-technical vehicle components, utilises our our Generic Networking DQMH modules and agreed to give back to the community by contributing to our public repository.

GitLab Repository for DQMH Generic Networking Modules
GitLab Repository for DQMH Generic Networking Modules

innofas GmbH uses DQMH to control various devices from Teststand. As some of those devices are connected to a PXI system, they were looking for an easy way to communicate with DQMH modules running on the PXI real-time system. Our Generic Networking modules offer exactly that; You can use the public API on one system, but have the actual function executed on another, different system.

A big thank you goes to Florian Batz, who implemented a new feature that allows to forward broadcasts via UDP network messages.

Moreover, innofas will also make use of our HSE Windows Application Template in the future – here‘s hoping that they will contribute to that, too!

Want to collaborate too?

Check out our code repositories on GitLab! Our open-source projects are easily accessible, with contribution guidelines detailed in their individual readme files.

These are the repos we have already open-sourced:


  • HSE Generic Networking for DQMH Modules: The DQMH GenNet client and server helper modules provide network connectivity for DQMH modules. The helper modules support both automated, transparent routing in Generic Networking Modules as well as manual extension to any generic DQMH module.
  • HSE Windows Application Template: A demo application based on the HSE flavor of DQMH modules with basic functionality for module loading and configuration, UI management and logging/debugging.
  • HSE DQMH Module Templates: These DQMH module templates contain add-ons and modifications for HSE default functionality.

HSE Libraries:

(The HSE Libraries are a collection of useful VIs developed over the years for and within our real-life projects.)

  • HSE Logger: A LVOOP-based (LabVIEW Object-Orientated Programming) logging system inspired by the Python logging module.
  • HSE Core Libraries: The HSE Core Libraries are a collection of useful VIs developed over the years for and within our real-life projects. The HSE Core Libraries form the basis of all our applications, similar to a very basic framework.

HSE Labs:

Scripting tools and non-production features.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us in case you’re interested in collaborating!

If you want ask Joerg personally, come find him at NIWeek! He will be presenting “How to blow your LabVIEW project in surprisingly few steps” on Wednesday 22nd 13:15 at Ballroom F, it’s definitely worth viewing!

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