WUELUG01: First Informal Meeting

Nine fellow LabVIEW wirers(*) came together yesterday evening at our offices, and we immediately synced our vibes and engaged in interesting discussions. With the next two meetings and their topics already scheduled, we’re looking forward to an active WUELUG future!

First informal WUELUG meeting at #teamhampelsoft
First informal WUELUG meeting at #teamhampelsoft

What an awesome start into our newly founded local user group!

Martina Fürmetz of NI had taken great care of setting up the community page and scheduling and organising the first meeting (a big thank you to Martina!). On Tuesday, 24th of April, we hosted the first informal and inaugural meeting of the Würzburg LabVIEW User Group (WUELUG) in our office. Lorenz Casper of NI literally went the extra mile to be there in person, moderating the meeting, talking about his vast experience with user groups and sharing selected best practices (a big thank you to Lorenz!).

What I loved most was meeting old friends and making new ones, all at the same time. With this group, I immediately felt inside the “circle of trust”, and I hope that everybody else felt just as welcome. It was great to hear each one of the members give us insights into their jobs and the work they do, in quite diverse environments, but with similar agendas.

We also got to discuss some of the problems we all face each day, and funny enough, for most of these problems, all heads at the table started to nod in unison. Talking about absent friends and sharing memories of the olden days added to the atmosphere, too.

First informal WUELUG meeting at #teamhampelsoft
First informal WUELUG meeting at #teamhampelsoft

We agreed on meeting quarterly, with the next two meetings taking place in July (we will practice our DevDays presentation) and in October (Oli and I will both practice our VIP presentations), again at our offices. Be sure to stay tuned and check the community page http://bit.ly/WUELUG for updates.

Here’s to a bright and active future of the WUELUG!

(*) Wirers is a term shamelessly stolen from Fabiola 😉

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