The third meeting of the Würzburg LabVIEW User Group (WUELUG) took place on Monday 15th of October. As the group has already outgrown our office, we took to a conference room in our premises. Presentations, food – and lots of ideas for the next meetings!
WUELUG Presentations
Due to our ever growing participant list, we relocated this edition of the WUELUG to the wonderfully industrial chic BOX conference room of the former Bürgerbräu brewery. This was the perfect environment to present and watch presentations in, outfitted with the proper equipment and seating arrangements. Jörg and Oli were the current presenters, both practising for the respective presentations at this year’s VIP conference. Jörg talked about the many and diverse benefits of implementing Continuous Integration into the workflow of a company. Oli delivered a presentation about the various and often difficult to notice hurdles of proper software regulation compliance. They both received valuable feedback on their presentations.
NI VIP 2018
The upcoming VIP (Virtuelle Instrumente in Praxis – “Virtual Instruments in Practice”) conference is undoubtedly Germany’s most influential NI event, with participants from all over Germany. Both Jörg and Oli will be presenting. Both will be answering questions at the “Meet the Experts” session as well. This event gathers major players from the sectors of the Automotive Industry, Aerospace, Semiconductors and Academics, so we are all very excited for the opportunity.
A Taste of WUELUG
Learning from past experience, we first of all started off by solving one of the most critical issues that can arise in meet-ups; the catering. National Instruments and Martina Fürmetz were once again kind enough to sponsor our dinner, as always we extend our sincere gratitude to them!
The usual menu proved successful, consisting of vegetarian fast-food and pizza. Concentrating is much easier on a full stomach.
The WUELUG Community
Growing to 34 members in half a year’s time, WUELUG is rapidly expanding and gaining in popularity. According to NI, we are the poster child of LUGs. We even have two LabVIEW Champions in our ranks, which is no small feat. Our members come from varied companies, such as Siemens, Bürkert, LEONI Bordnetzsysteme, Wittenstein, Haprotec. The idea for the WUELUG was born due to lack of such a thing in north-western Bavaria, and we managed to fill this gap perfectly.
WUELUGs of the Future
If you’re interested in what we’re up to, go to and register. As usual, the next WUELUG will take place in three months, at the beginning of February 2019. We hope to see you there! 🙂
Any chance you will release the presentation on CD/CI? I would be very interested in it.
Ryan, we’re currently looking into making all our presentations available. Please bear with us a little longer and stay tuned.
Ryan, in case you haven’t seen it, you can download the presentation slides at Also, I’ll be repeating it at the CLA Summit in Krakow in April where it’ll be recorded probably.