No, there’s no IPO in the works here (yet), but we do have a lot of public activity with the LabVIEW community coming in 2017!

CLA Summit, 7.-9.3.
It’s the first time that my name shows up on the agenda of a CLA Summit. This year, the CLA Summit is held in Vienna from 7th to 9th of March. I was invited to join the “Panel Discussion on Issues related to Maintaining and Growing a LabVIEW related business”, and I’m looking very much forward to contributing to the discussion!

Read more about CLA Summits in NI’s whitepaper on the National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architect Summit.
NI Week, 22.-25.5.
This came totally out of the blue, and I admit that it’s an accolade for me: A dear customer of mine came up with this idea in December, we submitted an abstract for a technical session by the end of January, and got our approval only two days later! We will present at the NI Week in Austin, Texas! We will talk about LabVIEW Real-Time, FPGA, integrating Simulink models, and – of course – best practices for LabVIEW software development.

Find out more about the most important event in the NI universe that’s held at the Austin Convention center, close to NI’s headquarters, in the official NI Week Event Summary.
VIP (NI Days), 18.-20.10.
While there is no confirmation yet, I’m hoping for my dear customer and me to be invited to give the NI Week presentation also here in Germany in autumn on the VIP (NI Days) in Fürstenfeldbruck. You can read up on the german pendant to the NI Week in Austin on NI’s official VIP Congress website.